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  • Writer's pictureJohn DeFoor

Shaw Concierge Gamification Video

On May 23, 2019, the Shaw Concierge Team had a scavenger hunt throughout Plant 71. I joined two other volunteers in an attempt to film this building-wide race. Once the event was finished, I offered to edit the footage together using Adobe Premiere Pro. Editting was not always easy.

We had plenty of footage — too much even. I needed to determine an effective way to tell a compelling story with each of the concierges featured throughout the journey. Therefore, I decided to have their stories overlap, where a viewer could see how individuals reacted to each situation differently. While the video may run long to a casual viewer, the length was perfect for my target audience, the Shaw Concierges actually featured in the film. Each of their characters were given an opportunity to shine.

Another obstacle I ran into was video permission. Some of the footage I was provided had an individual in the background who did not wish to be seen. This was unfortunate, as the footage helped bring across an effective conclusion. After quick research, I learned how to blur out an individual's face. Barring a viewer with the sharpest of eyes, this blur is not obvious and allowed us to feature a great conclusion to the film.

I received positive feedback about this film and was brought on to more video projects due to its success.



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