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  • Writer's pictureJohn DeFoor

Gaining Perspective: International Commentary on Americans

[Published in KSU Talon Magazine, 2011]

Over the summer 0f 2011 I conducted a series of short interviews in London and Paris for one of my study abroad classes. The purpose of these interviews: to learn more about other cultures and how they perceive Americans. How have they perceived our recent world actions? How did they feel about the death of Osama bin Laden? What did they imagine when they think of the average American? Here are a few perspectives I encountered.

How to Spot an American-Rasa from Lithuania Rasa said she can tell whether people are American by their teeth. According to her, Americans have perfect teeth. Another way she can tell whether someone is American or not is by their politeness. I did not understand.

She explained that Americas try to be really polite when visiting London. I told her we wanted to make a good impression and asked, “How else should we act?” She did not know, but said people in London do not try to be that polite. I pondered on what she said about politeness several days after.

One night I went to the top floor of my hotel to photograph the night view of London. I asked a waitress if there were any openings or windows where I could take the photo (since the glare of the glass was ruining my shots). She told me there were none.

I thanked her, but then she replied with, “For what? I didn’t help you.” Then I understood what Rasa was saying about Americans being polite.

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility-Sid from England America, he said, was “the only country in the history of the world who has had power to take over the world, but didn’t.”

In regards to our previous president, Sid told me that he felt Bush was an insult to the country and could not understand why he was president. Obama on the other hand, was an “enormous improvement.”

As for things America should improve upon Sid told me, “America needs to worry about the dollar.”

Bomb Everyone-Alberto from Spain Alberto told me that he “Loves America. America protects the world.” When I asked about Osama, he said he felt we were right to kill Osama. In his personal opinion, America should have just bombed everyone.

America: The Criminal State-The Mystery Man with the beard from Africa This man never told me his name; I asked for it but he refused to say. He said I might work for the CIA or MI6. I said I did not work for either and asked why he thought that. According to him, shady people come to Speaker’s Corner (where we were at). He also pointed out my notebook as a suspicious thing.

This man was Islamic, although I did not realize it immediately. The man had a large beard with orange dye in the middle. He claimed to be from Africa but would not tell me which country just in case.

From our conversation I learned he believed that American politicians were all criminals. He also used the word rubbish when talking about Americans. Ever since Hiroshima he claimed, America has been a criminal state. He said America would “kill everyone else to save his family.”

When I asked about his perspective on the death of Osama bin Laden, he refused to answer and became angry with me.

Unexpected-Jack from London Jack was from London and was everything I did not expect from a Londoner. Regarding President Bush, he felt the media demonized him. As for Obama, Jack said he should not have been elected as he was not a legitimate candidate. Obama should not be president.

Jack made me think of the general conservative population back in the United States, so I was curious enough to ask if he was Christian. He said no.

Regarding the death of Osama, Jack told me that the United States should have sent a cruise missile and insured Osama was killed. However, Jack believed Obama sent SEALS in instead because it would make him look better politically.

‘British’ vs. ‘English’-Thomas from Manchester After discussing the football team Manchester United, I asked Thomas about President Bush. Thomas used the word “buffoon” to describe our former president. I asked him if this opinion was because of Afghanistan and Iraq. Thomas told me that Bush “did what he thought was right. He gave the impression that… if someone messes with America…” basically America will respond. In the process Bush made America look like bully to the world.

As for Thomas’ take on Obama, he suggested Obama was elected due to his race. However, he also pointed out that Obama’s rival, McCain, was a terrible speaker. Thomas said he did not understand why America could not find better candidates from its hundreds of millions of people.

Despite his opinion of Obama, Thomas felt killing Osama was the right choice. “Just imagine it,” he said referring to a future where the United States put Osama on trial. He felt more violence would have occurred. Thomas also reminded me; even the English want a piece of Osama.

During our conversation, I called Thomas ‘British’ and discovered he did not like being called that. Great Britain encompasses several countries including England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. That being said, the English and the Irish had conflicts throughout their history (Note: While I was in London, the Queen traveled to Ireland, which was breaking news). Thomas did not want to be associated with Ireland, so he would rather be called ‘English.’

Obama, the Celebrity-Kimmy from France As I was leaving the Palace of Versailles, I noticed two French girls carrying a bag with President Obama’s photo on it. Curious, I stopped and asked them about the bag and their thoughts of our president. Kimmy, one of the two, claimed she didn’t know much about Obama, but knew to say that he was better than Bush because of Iraq. From the girls’ point of view, Obama is a celebrity.

The Two Tourists-Luke from Poland While visiting the Eiffel Tower one evening I met a Polish student named Luke. For the past eight months, Luke had studied in France. He was visiting Paris for a break before his upcoming finals.

Luke believed Bush was demonized by the media (similar to what Jack said in London). While people dislike Bush for the wars, Luke pointed out that Bush’s Malaria Incentive in Africa saved many lives. As for the new president, Luke said America is the same; the political style is just a little different. Talking about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to Luke, Poland helped in both wars. However they dropped out of Iraq after a few years.

Poland likes America, Luke said because America has helped them in several situations. As for the general Europe opinion regarding Osama bin Laden, Luke said many Europeans believe America should have captured him. Poland at first felt the same, but realized his death was probably better for the world.

We talked briefly about the euro and the dollar. Like many of the people I have talked to previously, Luke was aware that the American dollar is not fairing as well as the euro, and that this is something Americans need to worry about.

A Changing Perspective-Aurelia and Iman from France Obama is slowly changing the perspective left from the Bush’s presidency, Aurelia said. As for Obama’s call on Osama bin Laden’s death, Aurelia said it is a “good thing he’s dead.”

She suggested he might have been dead for longer and that “they” were simply hiding that fact. Regardless of that idea, Aurelia thought capturing Osama could have been better so he could be tried in court.

Iman was “really shocked” at the celebrations held in America after Osama’s death. “He is still a human life.”

HOPE-Rabib, Grew Up In France I met Rabib at a Starbucks near my hotel. He was an African man in a nice business suit and with a nice watch. He appeared to be in his late-30s. When I approached him and asked if he spoke English, he said a little. But once we got into conversation, I found he spoke fluently. Only in a few situations did he need to write a word down to express it.

Rabib said that Bush gave America a bad image but America voted for him. Rabid used the word “imperialism” to describe Bush. As for Obama, Rabib used the world “hope.” But Obama has not filled expectations in France, specifically in regards to Afghanistan.

Regarding Osama bin Ladin, Rabib felt his death was good PR for the Obama administration. Capturing him would have been a bad idea because of the violence it could have inspired, he said. However, Rabid believed that America should have communicated with the other nations about the operation, especially Pakistan.

Rabib told me that he and his wife would be traveling to the United States for the first time that coming Thursday. They were going on vacation in New York. He said America’s movies make people think all Americans are beautiful.

Conclusion London and Paris are international cities with a variety of different opinions from a variety of places. Any hope that I had on finding a general opinion of America proved to be impossible. Everyone’s perspective is different, no matter where one is from.



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